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Thank You Aaron!

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This past Friday evening, we had our banquet at Shady Maple Smorgasbord. It was a delightful evening with great food, silly skits, special music, an update on SHCM, practical thoughts from God’s Word, and some outstanding fellowship. We left the banquet with an extra spring in our step. Numerous people encouraged us in many different ways.

That evening, Aaron Ricker’s parents presented us with a special SHCM pinewood derby car that he made. After he took 1st place in his church’s Pinewood Derby event, he wanted to donate the car to Servant’s Heart. Thanks Aaron.

During the camp presentation, we described a potential new route for the utilities. We are continuing to pursue that route, and this week we had the new route surveyed so it could be accurately added to our AutoCAD master plan. There are still a couple concerns, but our engineers are cautiously optimistic that we could be approved for utilities this summer. Please continue to pray with us.

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