Servant's Heart Staff

Jim & Pat Fry


Through a unique and God-ordained series of events, the Lord thrust Jim and Pat Fry into the camping ministry in 2002. Since that time, Jim has served as the director, which includes digging ditches, preaching in churches, and everything in between. Pat’s responsibilities are almost as diverse as Jim’s, but her primary responsibility is in the kitchen where she is responsible for preparing over 10,000 meals and snacks per year.

In 2015, Jim & Pat Fry were able to move into a home on the camp property. In the “off” season, the home is used for preparing meals for the various work groups that come throughout the winter. Both Jim and Pat thoroughly enjoy working at camp. Jim has often commented that being a camp director is like a kid working in a candy store. They particularly love seeing children, teens, and adults making life-changing decisions. It is an absolute thrill for them when a parent tells about the change in their children or when a young adult tells about a life-changing decision that they made as a camper many years ago.

Matt & Rachelle Krape

Building & Grounds

Since 2009, Matt and Rachelle have used their summers to help at camp. Although they lived and worked in York County, they would spend about ten weeks each summer serving at camp. In 2016, Matt quit his job, and they began looking for a house close to the camp property. In September of that year, they bought a house that is within walking distance of the camp.

Matt has now started Krape Home Improvements, and Rachelle’s primary responsibility is to take care of their four children. In addition to that full-time responsibility, she is also in charge of the camp store and many other small office projects. Matt’s primary responsibilities around the camp are new construction, equipment and building maintenance, and grounds. As the Lord provides, SHC would like to supplement the Krapes’ income so that Matt could spend more time on the property and less time with Krape Home Improvements. It is exciting to have the Krapes on staff.

Ben Risinger

Program Director

Ben served on staff during the summers of 2019, 2020, and 2021. During that time, we were very encouraged by his spiritual growth, outstanding spirit, and evident love for people. In the fall of 2021, he accepted our invitation to move to this area and serve as Program Director. As Program Director, he not only runs the activities of the summer, but he also plans and implements those ideas. He also works with the director for the program portion of other camps, retreats, quizzing, and other functions. In addition to those responsibilities, he does maintenance work around the property.

Although he provides his own income, Ben spends the entire summer at camp serving the Lord by serving campers. If you would like him to come to your church to provide pizza, play games, and discuss camp with your teens, feel free to contact him.

Hannah Huber

Camp Secretary

Hannah served as a junior counselor in 2018 and 2019. She then returned to be the summer secretary each year from 2022 to 2024. She attended Ambassador Baptist College from the fall of 2022 until her graduation in May of 2024 with an associate’s degree in Church Secretarial Studies. During her last semester, she accepted our invitation to serve as the year-round secretary.

Hannah works part-time hours both from home and from the camp property. As secretary, she assists in the diverse office duties required throughout the year. Some of these tasks would include updating the camp website, contacting people via writing letters and composing emails, proofreading and printing camper booklets, tracking finances for the camp, working on small design projects, and managing registrations for various camp events. If you would like to
contact her, she would be happy to answer your camp-related questions.

Summer Staff

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