Bible Quizzing
The quiz teams meet together one Sunday per month in January, February, and March for a time of practice quizzing. Other than some opening remarks and snacks, there are no other activities on these Sunday afternoons. On Saturday, April 26, 2025, we have a full day of quizzing with lunch and a youth rally with games, singing, and a challenge from God’s Word.
2025 Quizzing Schedule
Date | Place | Time | Passage |
January 19, 2025 | Calvary Independent Baptist Church – Quarryville | 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. | James 1-2 |
February 16, 2025 | North Hills Bible Church – York | 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. | James 3-4 |
March 23, 2025 | Mountain View Bible Church – Hummelstown | 2:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. | James 1-5 |
April 26, 2025 | Faith Bible Church – Mount Joy | 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. | James 1-5 |
Youth Rally
Our annual youth rally is on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at Faith Bible Church. The quizzing is scheduled to start at 10:30 a.m. and snacks will be available during the morning. Depending upon each team’s quizzing schedule, lunch will be served at approximately 1:15 p.m. Families and friends are invited to join in for the activities of the day. The cost for the afternoon meal is $4.00 for family and friends of the quizzers. Please go to the meal registration tab to register and pay (see buttons above and below).
Our special speaker for the rally will be Dr. Alton Beal.
The rally begins at 3:00 p.m. and includes games, quizzing finals, a quizzing orchestra, singing, and a challenge from Scripture.
Khakis and skirts are appropriate for this activity.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
- Quizzing shall be on the King James Version
- Each quiz shall consist of 10 questions. Each quiz will generally include one reference question and one quote word perfect question.
- The study material rotation shall be as follows:
- 2022 – Ephesians
- 2023 – Philippians & III John
- 2024 – I & II John
- 2025 – James
- 2026 – I Peter
- 2027 – Galatians
- Quizzer’s dress should be modest and appropriate.
- Fellows should wear neat shirts with a collar. Shirts should be tucked in and worn with dress slacks. Hair should be neat and short.
- Ladies‘ skirts should cover the knees when sitting. Slits should not expose the knee when sitting.
- Each team shall have a minimum of three members.
- During the “practice” quizzing, coaches are responsible to turn in seating assignments to the scorekeeper immediately before each quiz.
- For the final rally, coaches are responsible to submit seating assignments to SHC five days before the rally.
- If on rally day, a coach wishes to change his starting quizzers for a particular quiz, he/she must submit that information in writing to the scorekeeper prior to the start of the quiz.
- One or more SUBSTITUTES may also be part of the team.
- A quizzer may be substituted without a time out.
- A quizzer must not quiz in different seats during a quiz unless they are replacing a quizzer that has quizzed out or errored out.
- All quizzers shall be in the 7th through the 12th grade during the quizzing year.
- A quizzer may quiz one additional year after he/she has graduated from high school if he/she meets all three of the following criteria:
- They are not older than 19 years old at the time of the final quizzing and rally.
- They have not already quizzed six years in the SHC quiz program.
- They have not already quizzed on the scheduled book for that year.
- When ready the quizmaster will announce the number of the next question. The quizmaster will identify any noted particulars about the question, i.e. reference question, quote word perfect question, or multiple parts to the question or answer. The quizmaster will then say “question” followed by the reading of the question.
- A quizzer does not need to wait for the completion of the question to jump.
- A quizzer must jump off the chair and proceed toward full stature.
- A quizzer’s hands and feet may not touch the chair when jumping. If a quizzer’s feet are outside the legs of the chair, they may not be behind the front legs of the chair.
- After each jump a quizmaster should say “please complete the question” or “go ahead” to allow the quizzer to proceed with the answer. If asked to complete the question, a quizzer must satisfactorily complete the question before giving the answer. The quizmaster may allow a quizzer to “go ahead” even if the finishing of the question is not precise. A quizzer may give the answer only after getting the “go ahead” from the quizmaster. The quizmaster will not repeat any part of the question.
- A quizzer has only 30 seconds from the time he/she is identified to both complete the question and to give the answer. If a quizzer is actively answering a question the quizmaster may give additional time to finish answering a question or quoting a verse.
- The quizmaster will not rule any answer correct or incorrect until the quizzer is seated, or the 30 seconds have elapsed.
- If no quizzers jump within ten seconds after the quizmaster reads the question, the quizmaster may proceed to the next question.
- If a quizzer provides an answer that may have validity but does not match the answer as listed, the quizmaster may ask the quizzer for a reference to support their answer. The quizmaster will then rule as to the correctness or incorrectness of the answer.
- If a quizzer answers incorrectly, the quizmaster will then REBOUND the question, that is, ask the same question to the opposing team quizzer seated in the same numbered seat as the quizzer who initially jumped and missed the question. A correct answer by the opposing quizzer will be scored as a rebound question.
- Answers should be precise and close to the King James text. If the answer is a name of God, it must be exact to the wording of the passage from which the question is taken. If an answer includes a name of God, but the name is not the primary answer, the name does not have to be exact.
- After a quizzer has correctly answered three questions, excluding rebound questions, he/she has QUIZZED OUT and is eliminated from jumping. The quizzer may be substituted or remain in the quiz to answer rebound questions.
- After a quizzer makes three errors, he/she has ERRORED OUT and is eliminated from answering any future questions, including rebound or tiebreak questions, for that quiz. The quizzer may be substituted.
- Twenty points will be awarded for each correct answer.
- Ten points will be awarded for each rebound question answered correctly.
- Five points will be deducted for each foul incurred.
- After the second team error, ten points will be deducted for each additional error made on the initial jump, excluding tiebreak questions.
- Ten points will be deducted for an error on 10th questions even if the team does not have two errors.
- No points will be deducted for an error on tiebreak questions.
- In the event of a tie score after the 10th question, one or more tiebreak questions will be given to determine the winner.
- A quizzer that has quizzed out may return for the tiebreak questions.
- A quizzer that has errored out may not return for the tiebreak questions.
- The quizmaster, judges, or scorekeeper may call a foul anytime during the regular quiz and the tiebreak question(s).
- A foul will be called for any violation of the jumping rules.
- A foul shall be called if there is any behavior by the quizzers, substitutes, coaches, or the audience that shows poor Christian testimony.
- A foul shall be called if there is any talking among the quizzers, substitutes, coaches, or the audience from the time the quizmaster calls “question” until he makes a ruling on the rebound question.
- The audience shall be given one warning before deducting points for a foul.
- A foul shall be called if a light accidently comes on after the quizmaster calls “question” but before the first word of the question is given.
- If a foul occurs after the question has been started, the foul will be called after a ruling on the question is completed.
- A quizzer can respectfully and politely challenge a ruling made by the quizmaster.
- The challenge must be made only by the quizzer answering the question without any assistance from any other quizzer or coach.
- The challenge must be made after the completion of the ruling of that question. The quizmaster’s ruling is final and cannot be changed after the beginning of the next question.
- Each team may have one 30 second time-out per quiz.
- Time-outs may only be called between questions, prior to the quizmaster announcing the next question number. No time-outs may be called after the 9th question.
- Time-outs are not needed to substitute a quizzer that has quizzed out or errored out.
Sample Quiz Questions
- What two types of commandments did John say he was writing?
Answer: (I John 2:7,8) New and old
- For whose sins was Jesus Christ the propitiation?
Answer: (I John 2:2) Ours and the sins of the whole world
- How do we know that we love the children of God?
Answer: (I John 5:2) When we love God and keep his commandments
- What is God faithful and just to do?
Answer: (I John 1:9) to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
- Who is greater than our hearts?
Answer: (I John 3:20) God
- According to I John 4:12, how is God’s love perfected in us?
Answer: (I John 4:12) If we love one another
- Quote word perfect I John 4:10.
Answer: (I John 4:10) “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”
- What comes from God the Father?
Answer: (II John 3) Grace (be with you), mercy and peace
- What are not grievous?
Answer: (I John 5:3) God’s commandments
- (Two part question) Describe Cain and Abel’s work?
Answer: (I John 3:12) Cain’s – evil Abel’s – righteous
To whom did the elder write?
Answer: (II John 1) Elect lady and her children
Register your quiz team(s) for the quizzing and meal.
Register and pay for the afternoon meal, final quizzing, and youth rally.