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Property Tax Exemption Update

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This week we received the ruling for our request for property tax exemption.  This map was included in the 101 page document that we submitted and also defended at the hearing.  The yellow is the portion located in Woodward Township.  The blue represents Gulich Township and the greens represent the two parcels in Ramey Borough.
The ruling we received was a 75% reduction in the assessed value of each parcel. Perhaps that is a fair ruling for Woodward Township, where all the property is not used on a weekly basis.  We believe, however, that we have legislative support for a 100% reduction in Gulich Township.  All the buildings are in Gulich Township and that portion of the property is used on a daily basis during camp.
We have 30 days to appeal this decision.  Pray that the board would have godly wisdom as we decide if we should appeal.

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