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Last week and this week, Dan Brubaker was our evangelist. It was super exciting to have him speak at camp because God called him to preach at Servant’s Heart Camp 10 years ago during our last Railroad theme camp. That excitement, however, was not the only excitement of the week. Here is the story in Dan’s words.

Many young people have been born the second time through the ministry of Servant’s Heart Camp, but this week the camp experienced a young person born for the first time! We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Chloe Fay Brubaker! She was born on July 18 at 1:48 AM. She weighted about 7lbs. and measured 18.25 inches. Mom and baby are both doing well! The excitement started quietly late Wednesday night. Since labor often is a slow process, we had planned on packing the car and driving home to meet the midwife there. It took me little time to pack the car and we were ready to climb in and start driving. With Liz walking slowing around the car, I made one more call to the midwife before we left to confirm that this was indeed the best plan. While on the phone, Liz doubled over and the baby’s head crowned! We did our best to quickly return to our cabin and a few moments later Liz and I were holding our new daughter! At the start of this week, Liz and I had no idea that our comfortable cabin at Servant’s Heart Camp would become a delivery room, but God blessed and we are thrilled that Chloe came when and how she did!

Many more details could be given, but just imagine giving birth to a baby in a cabin without running water or a bathroom. They did run the generator through the night so that they would have light to care for the new infant. Praise God for the safe delivery of Chloe Fay Brubaker.

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