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Board Meeting

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Yesterday (December 5, 2011), we had a SHCM board meeting. Servant’s Heart Camp is governed by six different men from six different independent Baptist or Bible churches. Although we communicate frequently by phone and email, we have an enjoyable time of fellowship, food, and Mrs. Fry’s cooking when we get together for our meetings.

This morning, I received a phone call from the pastor of a very supportive church. That church has given generously and brought work teams on two occasions. They have been a blessing in many ways. The pastor knew that we had a meeting, and he called to ask a question. I thought, perhaps, others may have entertained the same question. In my words, this is what he asked – Because of the unbelievable challenges that you have faced, is the board still committed to this camp ministry and to developing this property.

Let me answer that question with a resounding “YES.” Although we wrestled with many difficult issues there was never a hint of despair or despondency. We believe that God has called us to this ministry, and we believe that he will provide our needs. Perhaps our meetings would be less intense, if the Lord would provide enough money to install all the utilities, finish all the cabins, and build a lodge.

If you would like to help with a yearend gift, our immediate need is to finish two additional cabins. The footers are dug and poured and the floor deck is installed. As the Lord provides the finances, we plan to finish those cabins. We would certainly love to have them finished by the start of summer camp.

Thank you for your interest in what God is doing at Servant’s Heart Camp. The fact that you are reading this blog is an indication that you have some interest. As the Lord bring this ministry to your mind, please pray for God’s perfect leading for the future.

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