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Half a Cabin

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Last evening, a friend of the ministry called to tell me about an offer. He and his wife have prayed about their part in the ministry of Servant’s Heart Camp. They believe that God would have them help with a cabin. They expressed their desire to give a $10,000 matching gift. They would like to see others with an interest in God’s work at Servant’s Heart sponsor the other ½ of the cabin.
This dear family is not part of a business. He spent his life faithfully serving God as a blue-collar worker. Since his retirement, they seek opportunities to serve God with their time, talent and finances. Their sacrificial gift is a huge encouragement to the ministry.
We are confident that as folks are obedient to God’s leading the other ½ of the cabin will be supplied. If you would like to be part of this project, please mark your gift “½ cabin fund.” If we receive monies above the $10,000, we will put that money toward future cabins.
We are looking forward to telling this couple that the other ½ of the cabin has been provided. I personally would like to reach this goal by the end of April. Yes, I do realize that would be a major victory as most people do not read this blog, but rather read our newsletters. The next newsletter does not go out until early spring. I certainly believe that God is bigger than newsletters and blogs.

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