A Point to Ponder.
We pause for a few moments to reflect on the significance of the day. Hammers, saws, backhoes, and delivery trucks all stop from our busy construction for a time to ponder. No doubt that you have experienced a “moment of silence” at a baseball game or some other social gathering to honor an event or a life that has made an impact on so many. It is for this reason, in which we pause to honor an event which has brought about a life that has brought change offered to the entire human race. It is because of this event, this life, that Servant’s Heart Camp even exists.
In the Bible, Luke chapter 2 records the beautiful story of the birth of Jesus. As you follow the verses in this incredible chapter, the story is miraculously unfolded. Mary and Joseph make their way to Bethlehem to pay tribute to their government and upon arrival into the city limits they find no room to stay the night. Mary, being “great with child” must have a place to stay, as her delivery is drawing close. The only place available is a feeding place for the animals – a manger. It was here that Jesus Christ was born. The shepherds proclaimed, the angels praised, but notice in verse 19 that Mary “pondered.” This word means to reflect; to bring together in one’s mind. Back a few verses in verse 14, the angels from heaven proclaimed, “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” The coming of Jesus brought peace and good will to mankind. Peace – in that man, in his natural condition, is at odds with God because of the fact of individual sin. The result of this condition is eternal separation from God forever in hell (Romans 3:23; 6:23). God, because of His unconditional love for all of mankind, sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to take the penalty for our sin. It was through this death, that God’s wrath was appeased which brought peace with God to bring us back to unity or relationship with Him. It is through this that God has shown His good-will or favor. Mary pondered what was taking place.
So we take the time to pause all activity and, like Mary, ponder God’s goodness. It is for this reason we choose to serve Him!
Merry Christmas!
Servant’s Heart Camp