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God is at Work

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Last week was an exciting week! We got to chat with a young man that was saved at camp of the age of twelve.  For some years after his salvation, I questioned if he would go on for the Lord, but now it is super exciting to see his enthusiasm as he prepares for evangelism. A young lady who is now a youth pastor’s wife told me she was saved at Servant’s Heart Camp. Another young lady wanted me to meet her pastor, and she told him that SHC is where her sister was saved. I also had the opportunity to preach one day and later on a young lady came to me and told me she had gotten some things right with people in her life since the message that morning. To God be the glory, great things He is doing! (written by Jim Fry)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Scott Randolph

    Just caught up with your website. Praying for SHC and you Brother Jim tonight.
    God bless you and your ministry!

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