Thank you for your interest in God’s work at Servant’s Heart Camp. Occasionally we are asked about the progress of the funds for the Lodge Project and specifically the progress on the $100,000 matching gift opportunity that started on September 10. So far, we have $65,000 toward that matching gift. I am thrilled for the first 65k, but I would love to see the last 35k met very soon. We told the organization that is offering this matching gift that we could have the money by the end of the year. They seem to be eager for us to do our part so that they can do their part. The total amount in the lodge fund is $307,914.14. That is an amazing number since our official kickoff of the lodge fund started at the banquet this spring. We did have some money in the lodge fund before this year, but the vast majority came in since the banquets. To God be the glory, great things He is doing.