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Perhaps you are wondering about a revealing banquet. Gender reveal parties have become a huge phenomenon in the past several years. The primary purpose of these celebrations is to reveal the gender of the new baby. No, we are not having a baby, but we are excited about the lodge plans! Although we have been working on the plans for the lodge for several years, we have not revealed them to the public. At our two banquets in April, we would like to share our excitement with you as we show you the plans. This banquet is free to you and open to all our camp friends that are 18 or older. We would like as many people as possible to be at these banquets. We want you to catch the vision and start praying for God to show Himself strong in this adventure. Here are the dates and places for the two banquets:
6:00 pm on April 16, 2021 at Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl
4:30 pm on April 24, 2021 at Prime Sirloin in Duncansville
Although there is no cost for this banquet, you must register.
You may register here on our website or call the camp office at 814-497-4100

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