Have you ever wondered “Does God really answer prayer”?
This past Monday was our second Young at Heart day. About 50% of the people registered for day were people that have never been on the property before, so we were excited about showing them what God has already done here at Servant’s Heart Camp.
A few days before the special day, I noticed that here was a 60% chance of rain. We have had rainy days many times this summer and it was no great surprise. Several times, this summer we have seen the Lord hold off the rain until we were eating a meal in the dining tent or having a session in the chapel. As Monday came close the chance of rain increased to 90 or 100 percent depending upon what weather report you checked. On Monday morning, I checked the weather radar and saw that there was a thin line of thundershowers headed in our direction. I prayed that God would blow the clouds one direction or another so that we could have a pleasant day with all our guests. I left the house with confidence that God would answer that prayer. We set up chairs overlooking the lake and also set up the Castle Games that the guests at the first Young at Heart enjoyed playing.
About the time the guest started arriving, it started to rain lightly. It was not a huge problem because our first schedule event was brunch in the dining tent. It continued to rain right through brunch and as we walked down to the meeting room. I could tell you how it continued to rain. In fact, it rained the entire day until the guest were about ready to leave. When I say it rained – I mean it RAINED. We got between three and four inches of rain during the scheduled time to the Young at Heart day. We were inside all day! Seldom have we seen the lake as high as it was that day.
Did God answer prayer? Yes, I believe that he blew the clouds to just the right area to show himself strong. Because we could not be outside, we shared some of the miracles that God has already performed at camp. Some of the staff shared about how God worked in their heart during the summer.
I can’t remember of a camp or retreat that we got more significant comments than we did about that day. There were pray support comments. There were financial support comments. There were moral support comments. Many of the comments, I do not feel at liberty to share, but perhaps the following written comment will help you to understand the day. “What an amazing place. My first visit today. From the time we drove on the property I felt God’s presence. The property is beautiful beyond words. Each and every staff member went above and beyond to make us feel welcome. The fun food and fellowship was such a blessing. My prayers are with Servants Heart Camp. As you continue forward may God richly bless you.”
Seldom have I been so thankful that God did not answer my ‘blow the clouds” prayer in the way that I was thinking. To God be the Glory, Great things he is Doing!
Amen, praise God my brother.