Yesterday, Pat arrived home from one of her trips to pick up supplies for the upcoming winter retreats. Many of the items were not bagged (the result of shopping at discount grocery stores), and the van was LOADED with supplies. I carried the supplies into the house and placed them on the floor for her to sort, and organize. After they are boxed they get carried back to the van for the trip to Timberwind. She was taking the supplies away while I was bringing them in, but the pile just kept getting bigger. I thought to myself “wow that is a lot of stuff.” I grabbed the camera so that I could share the fun with you.
I did some quick calculations and realized that Pat (and her helpers) will be preparing 630 meals and snacks the next two weekends. That helped to explain the big pile of groceries.
Please pray that God would do a mighty work in the hearts of young people the next two weekends.