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Anthony Baptist Church

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Last Sunday (Easter), we attended Anthony Baptist Church. We were planning to attend services at Anthony in the morning and evening and spend time with family on Sunday afternoon before we went back to the property on Monday morning. We had a delightful time on Sunday morning. After the message, Pastor Shawn asked Mrs. Fry and me to come forward. We were not sure what was happening. What we learned is that Anthony Baptist approved a certain dollar amount to give to the camp. On top of that amount, they designated the month of April for special offerings for Servant’s Heart. Deacon Larry Wolf presented us with an envelope. We were thrilled, excited, and flabbergasted when we opened the envelope. This small body of believers presented the camp with a $10,000 check. Apparently, they approved $5,000 from the church funds and the other $5,000 came as offerings during the month of April. Wow! What a blessing.

Perhaps, you are thinking that the other half of the cabin is now provided. Well, that was one of our first thoughts. Anthony Baptist made it clear, however, that we should use the money wherever it was needed. Because of some flood plain issues, we were asked to relocate our sewage pumping station. With the change of location and elevation, we had to update our pumping station. This week we received the new quote which was $24,000 higher than the original quote. We were stunned. We are so very thankful for the generous gift from Anthony that will go toward the more expensive pumping station.

We have taken some money in for the half cabin fund, but we still need much more. At this point, that cabin will not be completed until the funds are provided. Praise God! He is faithful!

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