We have been looking to buy a skid loader and stay within the money that the Lord provided without dipping into the lodge fund or general fund. We looked at several loaders that almost met our criteria, but the one that came the closest was still a little above the amount of money that we had. About one week after looking at this loader, we received some additional money. The farmer that was responsible for checking out the loaders for this project called the dealer. The Christian salesman informed him that it sold about one hour before his phone call. As I remember the first words out of my mouth were “Praise God.” Although it was disappointing at that time, I was confident that God had a plan. At the end of last week, we received another significant check for the skid loader fund. With that check in hand, we started to look for something that met all our criteria. Last week, I located a nice machine in Gap, PA. For those of you not familiar with Gap, it is a little town of about 2600 people in southern Lancaster County. I called the person from Dauphin County that was responsible for checking out the loaders, and he told me that he had an appointment in Gap that very day. Amazing! Later that day, he called me to tell me how nice it was and to ask if we wanted a smooth bucket or a toothed bucket. He told me that he thought we should really have both. I explained that buying the second bucket would put us over the amount we had in the skid loader fund. He then told me that he would buy the second bucket. So, we now have a 2022 Kubota SLV 75-2 with about 685 hours, rear camera, quick hydraulic connect and two buckets.
To God be the glory, great things He is doing!