We realize that because of time and finances, we will be unable to have a lodge with a kitchen for camp this summer. I talked to Gene Wenger of Gene Wenger Meats and Fine Foods about the possibility of renting his mobile kitchen. Almost immediately he told me that we were welcome to use his kitchen, but he would not take one penny for the use of it. We simply need to have a tractor haul it to the new property and provide insurance for the unit while we are using it. Wow, what a blessing. The portable kitchen has 4 ovens, a griddle, a grill, and several fryers. Campers – Are you ready for some freshly fried French Fries?
If you are looking for the best Ham Loaf on the planet stop by Gene Wenger’s Meats in Elizabethtown. While you are there, thank him for his generosity to Servant’s Heart Camp.