U-turn! On Saturday morning, we left for our first recruitment trip. When we arrived at Indiana Baptist College, we took two of our previous staff (Kaylyn Hadley & Caleb Walker) along with two of their friends out for some hamburgers, French fires, cheese curds and some amazing ice cream. It was super encouraging to fellowship with these students and hear how God is working in their lives. On Sunday morning, we shared about God’s work at Servant’s Heart with the people at Harvest Baptist Church. We had a wonderful time of good food and fellowship in the Haldey home after church. Monday morning, I had the opportunity to preach in chapel at IBC from Isaiah 58:11 which starts with “And the Lord shall guide thee continually.” In the afternoon after having some good interaction with some of the students, we departed for the next leg of our recruitment trip to Baptist College of Ministry. During this time, Mrs. Fry started to feel very poorly. We chatted and prayer and even pulled off the road to study the symptoms of COVID. Although the symptoms were certainly not conclusive, we decided to be safe, make a U-turn, and return home. As we drove the opposite direction from what we really wanted to be driving, we comforted ourselves with “And the Lord shall guide thee continually.” When we arrived home, Pat’s doctor was hesitant to even give a COVID test because the symptoms did not seem to indicate COVID. Finally, he consented to have her go to the clinic and have the test. Just this morning, we received a call that the test was positive. Please pray for the individuals, families, and ministries that we may have infected in the asymptomatic phase of the virus.

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How is she feeling??? Is she getting better? Will be praying for her!
Tell her Lillian Wolfe is praying for her!