Many of you know that the wind took our game tent down about two weeks ago. I was praying for wisdom to know if we should buy a new tent or try to fix the old tent. I finally decided that we did not have the extra funds to buy a new tent and we would try to fix the old tent. Several days later I learned a $1,000 check was coming to help with the tent damage. I immediately started shopping for a new tent. I found a 20′ X 40′ tent for about $1,000. There was a better tent for about $1,600 but I didn’t know if we should spend the extra money. Several days later, I decided that I needed to get the tent ordered so that it would be here for this weekend’s work team. That day there were a few different people working on the property and I was explaining to the one gentlemen the difference in the tents. He asked “so you need $600 to get the tent you really want.” With that, he walked over to his vehicle and returned with (7) $100 bills. It was SO exciting to see God provide this unsolicited fund and also to see God answer my prayer for wisdom in such a specific way. To God be the glory, great things He is doing!

Praise the Lord!!! What a huge blessing! Can’t wait to see the new one!