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2015 – And He Led

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This picture of the lake was taken in January 2010. It was the very first time that we ever visited our current camp property. Although it was brisk and cold, it was a sunny and beautiful day. We explored a good portion of the 215 acres. On that day and the days following, we spent much time thinking, talking, and praying about this property. Finally that summer, we made final settlement on this property.

At that time, we had no clue the challenges we would face. Over the next months Psalm 107:7-8 became very real. The first three words are “And He led.” Wow, what a comfort. Although there have been challenges, it would be impossible to adequately express God’s blessings in these past years. God used His Spirit, His Word, and His People to encourage us in many ways. We are thrilled and excited that the Lord has allowed us to be serving Him in Ramey.

Just as we did not know what was ahead when we first walked on the property in January of 2010, so we do not know what 2015 holds. Although it seems a little more clear than the last years, we are so thankful for the promise of God’s continued leading. “And He led . . .” Psalm 107:7

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