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New for 2015 – Flushing Toilets

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As most of you know, after almost 4 years of dealing with a wetland biologist, civil engineers, the PA Department of Environmental Protection, and other regulatory agencies, we finally received our final approval to install the utilities on the camp property.
Electric: Although using generators the past three years worked well and was sufficient, electricity to each of the buildings was a tremendous blessing.  While campers enjoyed lights and air conditioning in the cabins, the kitchen staff was thrilled to have the ice machine, refrigerators, and freezers close to the kitchen. We were able to prepare some of our generators for sale and keep others for future emergencies.
Water: We also had running water on the property this past year which provided consistent pressure and eliminated the need to have all our water hauled from a public water supply in Ramey.
Sewage: Although we were thrilled to have electric and water, we still did not have the sewage connected to the cabins.  We continued to use the porta-potties that we have used since the first year on the new property.  Although the potties smell fresh and clean on Monday morning, they are not so inviting by Friday night.  This past winter the excavators installed all the main sewage lines and the large collection tank that will house the pump system.  At this point, we are waiting for the needed finances to finish the 3360 feet of forced main pipe between the collection tank and the public manhole in the little town of Ramey.  Until this next phase of piping can be installed, we are permitted to use the pump station as a collection tank and have the wastewater pumped out several times each week.  As far as the campers are concerned, the toilets will work exactly the same as the completely installed sewage system.  On our end, however, we will have additional expense for the truck to come and pump the wastewater.  As the Servant’s Heart Board calculated the expenses, we determined that if we can gain several new campers each week, it will offset the extra expense to haul the wastewater.  Although we have a beautiful property with wonderful cabins, we minister to less campers each summer than we did when we rented a facility.  It seems the resounding reason for lower camper numbers is the fact that we do not have flushing toilets.  If you know of individuals or churches that are not coming to Servant’s Heart because of the Porta-potty issue, pass the word – FLUSHING TOILETS AT SHCM!
If you are one of those die-hard campers that loved the porta-potties at SHCM, we have some good news.  We plan to leave a few of those around the property for those that do not wish to return to their cabins or just want to use the porta-potties for nostalgia sake.
This improvement does not eliminate the need for additional finances to finish the utility installation.  We are still confident that God will provide those additional finances in His perfect timing.
James 4:10 reminds us that “ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”  We certainly acknowledge that this is all according to God’s perfect plan.  As of now, this seems very feasible, and we do not see any reason that we will not be able to have flushing toilets.  From past experience, we realize that many unforeseen circumstances could arise.  To bring the utilities to this new level, we estimate about 3 – 4 weeks with a backhoe and two people.  As soon as we have everything installed we can call the engineer and he clearly told us that he would issue the permits.
When we bought this property, we did not realize the tremendous amount of red tape and expense to develop this camp property.  We are so thankful that we have seen God working and moving us forward according to his perfect timing.  Thank you for your continued interest in this ongoing saga.  Many of you have prayed, given, and expressed genuine interest in how God is working at Servant’s Heart.  We sincerely appreciate your interest.  May God richly bless you as you continue to serve Him!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Amber Haasz

    Praise the Lord!! What a huge answer to prayer!

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