A friend of SHCM made a great suggestion. In his words:
I’ve been trying to support SHCM through AmazonSmile. However, I order stuff and forget to use smile when I check out. Amazon does not let you change an regular order to smile after you placed it, so invariably I end up NOT smiling about 5 minutes after I place an order.
Here’s what I did to fix this. I use an extension called Always Smile that redirects you to smile.amazon.com whenever you open an amazon page. Even if you find an Amazon product from a web-search, it will add smile in place of the www.
I have only been able to find extensions for Chrome and Firefox, but that covers almost 60% of the internet users.
Chrome Extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/smile-always/jgpmhnmjbhgkhpbgelalfpplebgfjmbf/
If you use Firefox, Here is your link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/amazonsmileredirector/
Thank you Jon for this great idea!