On September 2, just after his 51st wedding anniversary, David Arthurs slipped into a coma, and
shortly thereafter he awoke in the arms of his Lord.
Dave Arthurs served in missions for 46 years, 31 of which were with WWNTBM. Only
heaven knows the number of lives that have been impacted by his ministry. In addition to
the lost who received Christ through the radio broadcasts, his ministry also touched
numerous missionaries around the globe. For the past 26 years he and Ruth Ann served in Pohnpei at Calvary Baptist Radio.
On two occasions, Nathan had the opportunity to serve for a few months with the Arthurs. They meshed well and they were mutually profitable short term mission’s trips. Last Saturday (August 31), Ruth Ann emailed Nathan to see if he could come and help with the radio station. At that point, Ruth Ann was hoping to fly David to another island where he could receive better medical attention. Before Nathan answered the email that evening, he also received communication from Denise Arthurs (Dave & Ruth Ann’s daughter), John O’Malley & Danny Whetstone (both with World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions) and Gabe Eiben (currently on deputation to go and serve at the radio station).
This morning at about 4:45 (less than one week later), we dropped Nathan off at the airport. In that week he packed his room, sold his car, quit his job, and prepared to go to Pohnpei until the Eiben family arrives to take over the ministry. At this point, we estimated that he will be on the field between one and two years.
Although we are thrilled that Nathan can fill this need in Pohnpei, he will leave a major void at Servant’s Heart Camp.