In the last blog, I told you about our last work weekend and the erection of the five tents. Well . . . Last night about 5:45 a storm passed through Ramey. The picture shows the tent that was intended to house the refrigerators, freezers, and ice machine. In fact, the large double-wide stainless refrigerator was already in the tent. When the storm came the tent toppled and shortly thereafter a branch from the nearby tree came down and took a hunk out of the back of the fridge (under the black plastic in the picture). The dining tent also went down, but the shower tents and game tent stood strong.
For a bit, I had to fight discouragement. When we went to church last evening, we read the passage in I Peter 4 that includes “Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” Wow, what a thought! Could the Creator of the universe and the tree in our back yard have kept the storm from hitting Ramey? Could he have kept the branch from blowing off the tree? Obviously so! So I simply need to trust God and rest in the God of the universe. Hallelujah for the faithfulness of God and for His Word.