This past Saturday morning, Dave Palmer and Lynn Peacock returned our John Deere 2030 tractor. They had picked it up late last fall to give it some needed repairs. While they had the tractor, they ordered a new fuel tank. They did some modifications to the tractor to make the new tank fit. After they had the tank installed, they found that they could not close the hood. They returned the fuel tank and sent the old tank out for repair. After the tank was repaired it received a seven day process of recoating the inside of the tank. In addition, they updated the gear shifting, replaced the fuel filter, rebuilt the water pump, fixed and repainted the front panel, repaired the PTO indent, and replaced the hoses. They told us they would donate their time, but they did not even take anything for all the out of pocket expense they incurred. It is a blessing to have so many people willing to use the skills that God has given them to help SHCM and ultimately the cause of Christ.