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1.326 Acres

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Some of you may remember that shortly after we bought the 215 acres here in Ramey, a gentlemen from the other side of town told us that he owned 1.326 acres along our driveway. I went home and checked our deed and found that the 1.326 acres was also on our deed. Yes, we both had a deed for the same plot. You may think that in comparison to the 215 acres that we bought, this small plot would not be an issue. This small lot, however, is right along our driveway. If that lot would ever be sold, we were concerned about who would buy it or how the property may be used. Finally this month, with the help of the title insurance company we were able to obtain the undisputed deed for these 1.326 acres. Of all the many issues that we have encountered on this new property, we are thankful to God that we have one more item COMPLETED.

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