In 1992, Faith Bible Church in Mount Joy organized a quizzing competition that included several other churches. For the next 20 years, FBC continued to
organize the annual event which included three monthly Sunday afternoons of quizzing and a final Saturday rally. The rally included games, food, quizzing, and great preaching.
After the quizzing in 2012, Faith Bible Church passed the quizzing baton to Servant’s Heart Camp.
Obviously, the quizzing provides some good, wholesome competition. Our desire for the quizzing, however, goes way beyond competition. The leather on the basketball and the leather
on a Bible cover are in two different leagues. As churches study and memorize God’s Word with their young people, we desire to see lives impacted in a dynamic way by the power of the Word.
At this point, SHCM is not sure how the quizzing may continue to develop. If we find other pockets of Independent churches that are interested in quizzing, we would help them set up
quizzing in their area. Perhaps, in the future the churches from the different areas could come together for the final day of quizzing.
If you have an interest in quizzing, please contact us. We would love to explore the possibilities for your church to be included in the quizzing.
If you would like to see pictures and obtain more information about quizzing click here.