There has been lots of action around the camp the past weeks, but we have been without internet for about nine days. Last week, several families were here helping with various projects. We love having people here and also seeing additional projects accomplished.
Many of you knew that we had a meeting with the DEP this past Monday. We arrived at the office of the DEP at about 9:30 for a 10:00 appointment. We did not leave the DEP office until about 1:00. There were 10 men sitting around the table and two additional men joined the meeting on a conference call. The DEP is very through in protecting the environment according to the current regulations. The meeting went well, and they did understand the need to run utility lines through some “exceptional value wetlands.” If our engineers work diligently, we should be able to have approval to start installing the utilities by late winter/early spring. The end of the meeting, however, changed the focus to the lake. The lake was built in 1972 and the DEP regulations for lakes went into effect in 1979. Before the DEP issues any permits for utilities, they will require that we (the engineers) do a breach analysis on the lake and also verify the integrity of the dam.
Thank you for your continued interest in Servant’s Heart Camp. Please continue to pray that God would clearly lead in every aspect of this camp ministry.