SHCM has scheduled three weekends to give churches and interested individuals an opportunity to come and help with work projects. The three scheduled times are April 21 – 23, May 5 – 7, and June 2 – 4. We are encouraging folks to come for one day or bring a sleeping bag and stay for two or three days.
Food – We will provide meals Thursday lunch through Saturday Supper. Please contact us by Monday of each work weekend to let us know which meals you will be able to join us.
Accommodations – As of today, we do not have occupancy permits to stay in the cabins or home. We do, however, have 16 mattresses in the upper level of the storage shed. This area is reserved for men. For this coming weekend, however, we plan to pour the concrete for the first floor of the shed. We should still be able to use the upper level for sleeping, but you will not have access to the upstairs from about 7:45 am to 8:00 pm on Friday. Recently, we were given an almost new 14 X 16 tent (thanks Hostettlers). If you do not have a tent, let us know and you can use this nice tent.
Bathrooms – As of now, we only have a porta-potty.
Rally – On Thursday and Friday evening, we will have a service. You will be encouraged by a challenge from God’s Word, singing, and some great fellowship.
Dress – As many of you know, we typically ask you to bring better clothing for the evening rally. During these work weekends, however, you are welcome to come to the rally in your work clothing. After we have bathrooms and showers, we will go back to our original format.
Work Projects – If you have a skill, we can probably use it. In addition to constructions skills, we have trees to cut, brush to clear, cabins and home to be painted, junk to clean up, and many various other jobs.
Options – Some churches would like the option to come on another weekend. If you would like to come with your church or Sunday School class on another weekend, please contact us. We would love to work with your schedule. There is much to be done before camp.
Thanks for your interest in SHCM.