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Another Blessing

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Thursday morning started as a bit of a difficult morning. During the night I knew it was COLD. When the alarm rang, I did not want to get out of the covers. I finally crawled out to turn on the heat. Before I climbed back under the covers, I checked the inside temperature and it was 15 degrees. Before I finished my devotions, John (our contractor) called to tell me that he was sick and would not be coming. With an outside temperature of about 10 degrees, the next challenge of the day was visiting the porta-potty. It might have been very invigorating, but it was not fun. I finally finished breakfast, got bundled up and started my tasks for the day.
During that morning, I received a call that made me forget all the struggles of the morning. Although it was a brief call, I lifted my voice in praise when I hung up – another cabin sponsored. I was very excited. Praise God for this obedient couple that has sponsored their 2nd cabin.

I am very thankful for every person that prays, contributes, and works at the camp. Each one is vitally important to the ministry. God simply asks each person to be faithful. Recently, I received an email from an individual lamenting the fact that he was unable to sponsors a cabin. Although he did not go into detail, he was anticipating a certain project to yield $20,000. Currently, however, that account was (in his words) a goose egg. I am thankful for those that give regular gifts and for those that have the desire to give gifts, sponsor a cabin, or work at the camp.
We know of others that are considering sponsoring a cabin. We are confident that as churches and individuals follow God’s perfect leading, our needs will be met. We praise God for each person that has shown an interest in the ministry and manifested their support through prayer, giving, and work projects on the property.

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